Mother 3: Chapter 9

So recently I got a Mother 3 repro cart from Amazon a couple of days ago. No scratches and it was in it's case, brand new...I played through it a couple of times (about 5) yesterday it got boring, so I looked up some gameshark codes for Mother 3. I saw a chapter select code for it and the debug room. I plunged for the chapter select code. I boot up my SP and entered the code, it came up with a black screen and words. CHAPTER 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 but I noticed something, there was a chapter 9! I looked up "Mother 3 Chapter 9" on google and no results came in but one, it was a forum post on that said this was only an urban legend and never actually existed. But I found it, Once I selected Chapter 9 it said "CHAPTER 9: Death Of The Masked Man"
Then it flashed to Lucas sleeping on a bed then he woke up, when I tried to leave it said "Are you going to leave without a weapon?" I saw a chest near the bed and I opened it up, it had a Real Bat inside of it and then I went outside. There was zombies absolutely everywhere. I ran into one and it went into a battle.
I hit it with the bat until it died, after the battle I ran and ran until I reached Kumatora. She said "Come on! We need to get out of here! Dead Hiniwawa is raising all these zombies!" and a cutscene appeared. After the cutscene I was in Wess's house and Wess said "It's a zombie apocalaypse. Where is that moron of mine?"
"He's dead, he's a zombie" Kumatora said.
"WHAAT?" Wess said with an angry expresssion.
Lucas sat there, just watching. Then he came up, grabbed his bat and beat Wess and Kumatora to death, Lucas said after that "If you show anybody else this very chapter, your next" then my SP shut off. I looked out my window, and saw a figure with blonde hair.